
Agenda – May 2022

Agendas Uploaded on August 22, 2022


To: The Chair and Members of Simpson and Ashland Parish Council

Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Full Council to be held on Monday 16th May 2022 at
7.00pm at Simpson Village Hall, when the business set out in the following agenda will be
transacted. Members of the public are also invited to attend.

Katherine Harmsworth, Clerk to Simpson & Ashland Parish Council


Part 1 – Annual Parish Meeting commencing at 7pm

16) Welcome

17) Minutes of Last Meeting
To approve as a correct record the minutes from the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 7th June

18) Chair to celebrate achievements of the last year

19) Presentations from invited speakers

20) Public Forum

To discuss ideas for the future.

21) Refreshments

Part 2 – Annual Meeting of the Council commencing at 8pm

22) Introductions and Apologies for Absence
To receive and record apologies from members.

23) To Appoint Chair for 2022/23

24) To Appoint Vice Chair for 2022/23

25) Specific Declarations of Interest

26) Minutes of Last Meeting

To receive and approve as a correct record the minutes of the last annual meeting of the council held on
3rd May 2021.

27) Finance Report and Discussion
a) To review and approve payments between 29th January 2022 and 30th April 2022.
b) To review and approve financial summary for 2021/22.
c) To agree to transfer £27000 from the current account to the reserve account.
d) To agree to use the bank account that was for the S106 funds, as a dedicated bank account for
Simpson Village Hall and Ashland Lakeside Hire.

28) Asset Register
a) To agree updates to the Asset Register as of 31st March 2022.

29) Audit
a) To receive the report from the Internal Auditor.
b) To agree actions needed from the Internal Audit Report.
c) To consider the questions on the Annual Governance Statement and respond accordingly.
d) To consider and agree the Accounting Statement Figures.
e) To note the dates of the Exercise of Public Rights as 1/6/22 to 14/7/22.

30) Planning Applications
a) 22/00461/FUL 103 Simpson.
b) 22/00399/FUL 47 Old Groveway.

31) Open Space
a) To receive a report on Open Space.

32) Ashland Lakeside
a) To receive a report on Ashland Lakeside.
b) To consider and agree how to complete the Ashland Lakeside project and agree the associated
c) To consider whether to set a date for the opening event and if so to agree possible date.

33) Simpson Village Hall
a) To review payments and hire income for Simpson Village Hall.

34) Young People
a) To consider and agree whether to hold summer holiday play sessions.

35) Review of Delegated Decisions

36) To note that the next meeting of the Full Council will be held on a date to be agreed at this