
H9 Groveway / Simpson Drive Consultation

Formal consultation – H9 Groveway/Simpson Drive junction – Road safety improvement scheme

For several years, Simpson residents have expressed concerns to the Parish Council about the need for increased safety at the junction of H9 Groveway and Simpson Drive. In response, the Parish Council has collaborated with Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) to assess driver behaviour at this location. Earlier this year, MKCC conducted a traffic survey to gather precise data, which was used to develop a proposed road safety scheme.

MKCC has now notified the Parish Council that they will be holding a formal consultation on the proposed new road safety scheme for the H9 Groveway / Simpson Drive junction.

MKCC would like to get your comments about the proposal to carry out the following improvements on the H9 Groveway/Simpson Drive junction:

  • A right turn ban into Simpson Drive from the H9
  • Safer access for road users turning right out of Simpson Drive
  • Traffic signs and road marking renewal and upgrades


Picture of junction between H9 Groveway and Simpson Drive


Why the above improvements?

This stretch of the H9 has been identified after a history of collisions and near misses involving right turn movements in and out of Simpson Drive. The aim of the scheme is to provide a safer environment for vehicles travelling on this stretch of the H9, and to provide safer egress from Simpson Drive.

Have your say.

If you have any comments relating to this scheme, please send them to or phone 01908 254055 by no later than the 18th of October 2024.